Do you have a case of the Mondays, Mizzou?

Every now and then while I am conducting research for a new exhibition I come across something that is too fun not to share. These photographs come from an article titled, "How to Wake Up," published in the November 1948 issue of ShowMe , the student operated campus humor magazine published from the 1920s through the 1960s. In the article, the author provides amusing advice to help MU students rouse themselves from bed in the morning. The difficulty of the task is stressed throughout the text. The author states: "Every morning 11,428 students at M.U. make some sort of attempt to get up. The aggregate will-power, muscle power and brain-power going into this daily project is incalculable." While I don't recommend all of the author's humorous suggestions, perhaps a good chuckle can get you going in the morning. "COFFEE is the elixir of the bourgeoisie. It precipitates the tars of beverages, dissolves the scums of braunschweigers, and dispels the f...