Purposeful Art: Illustrators at MU

A new exh ibit ion presented by the Uni ons Public Art Collection recognizes the art of illust ration and those MU alumni who have found success in commercial and ill ustration art. Please visit the f irst flo or of MU Student Center , near the S hack, to see the display from now until January 20, 2016 . Illustratio n at MU The National Museum of Illustration notes that: "Illustration is art created to be reproduced in books, advertisements, periodicals, and in the new media. Unlike other more personal forms of art, illustration most often has a range of dictated parameters: aesthetics by assignment, publishing deadlines, specified subject matter, and the restraints of dimensions and format." [ http://www.americanillustration.org/collection.html ] Illustration is a integral part of the practice of mass communication. Today's world is a visual one and we are surrounded by images and text on a constant stream of visual information. Illustrators are often...