
Showing posts from April, 2023

Commercial Art: Travel Posters

 Commercial Art: Travel Posters   In Collaboration with MU Special Collections Among the substantial Special Collections items are travel posters that used art to advertise unique landmarks and attract tourism. In a century of much social, political, and economic change, these posters functioned as a way to search for national identities and to promote tourism to countries in financial need pre- and post- World Wars. The aesthetics of these posters drew from many sources, including the styles of new movements such as Art Deco and Art Nouveau, ideas of tradition and national symbolism, and the personal visions of the artists who created them. Publishing bodies throughout Europe had to produce pleasing designs in tune with the art world. Art, however, was always shifting in response to societal tensions, and while some aspects of these posters’ designs remained popular symbols in their respective countries’ advertising, some were controversial, poorly received by the publi...

Celebrating LGBTQ History at Mizzou

 Every April, the University of Missouri celebrates Pride Month. Though Pride month is nationally recognized in the month of June, the LGBTQ resource center celebrates in April so that students on campus can participate. A new exhibition in the Mort's display case on the main level of the Student Center celebrates Mizzou's LGBTQ Student Organizations , and the hard fought battle students faced in the 1970s in order to form said organizations.  1978 Savitar  After seven years of fighting MU in court, LGBTQ students gained the hard-won right to form student organizations in 1978. The struggle began in 1971 when the Gay Liberation group sought approval for their organization, which was denied by the Board of Curators. Courts ruled in the favor of the Gay Liberation group citing that the Board of Curators denied the members’ rights to freedom of speech and association.  There are now 9 organizations on campus dedicated to LGBTQ causes. Learn about them here!