Black History at Mizzou
In honor of Black History Month, the Student Center is currently featuring displays that explore the history of the African American experience at the University of Missouri - Columbia. In this post, I have decided to profile significant African American individuals from the history of the University. To learn more about Black History at Mizzou, be sure to stop by the Student Center and check out the display case in the Lower Lair Lounge and the square cases on the main level just outside of Mort's. Lucile Bluford A professional Journalist, Bluford applied to MU’s Journalism graduate program in 1939. She, along with the NAACP, sued the school; unfortunately, the court ruled in favor of the university. Mizzou gave Bluford an honorary doctorate in 1989. (Summer 1989, MIZZOU , Courtesy of University Archives) Lloyd Gaines In 1936, Lloyd Gaines, an honors graduate from Lincoln University, applied for admission to the University of Missouri School of Law. ...