
Showing posts from June, 2012

The Student Unions' Savitar Collection

Because many of our displays utilize the Missouri Student Unions’ collection of Savitar yearbooks, I thought I might say a few quick words about its history. As always, our Savitar collection is on display in the Lower Lair Lounge of the New Student Center. Enjoy! About Our Savitar Collection: It is with much fear and trembling that we submit our maiden effort to the mercies of a critical world, but the love of our Alma Mater and the thought of after years spurs us on. –A hopeful greeting from the editors of the inaugural 1895 Savitar . The Student Center proudly owns a nearly complete (and growing) set of Savitar annuals, the student run University of Missouri yearbook published from 1894 through 2005. This collection provides a glimpse into the academic and social lives of Mizzou students, faculty, and staff members throughout the decades by offering texts and photographs of individuals, organizations, athletic teams, students participating in extracurricular event...

Celebrating International Students at Mizzou (continued)

Timeline Pt. 2 of 2 International students and politics on the national and local stages 1940s-1980s - The U.S. engages in a Cold War with the Soviet Union and its allies. While never formally declaring war, the United States is in armed conflict with one such ally, North Vietnam, from 1955-1975.  1948 - The number of international students at MU is now 147, including 46 Chinese students. The Association of International Educators (NAFSA), a national non-profit professional organization for international educators, is founded. 1940s-1950s - The MU Cosmopolitan Club holds “ Nations on Parade ,” a bi-annual art exhibit. The Club also starts a student fund to provide aid to international students in need. American universities began desegregating in the 1950s. Black students at home and abroad may now enroll.  Mohan S. Bawa , an MU Journalism student from India, wrote an article for Mizzou’s Showme magazine in 1956 titled “I Go to the Super Mar...